Participants were asked about "where it was good to receive the seminar" and "what we would like to work on in the future"◆ I

nternal Auditor Training◆

  • It was easy to understand by trying to act in the group work of all members participation.(It was easy to understand what I thought was difficult))
  • I think it will be very useful in both the position of conducting an internal audit and the position of receiving it.
  • Where should I focus on my company's structure?The process image worksheet is visible for each process.At the same time, I realized that risk analysis was weak.
  • Through auditing, we strive to help create an organization that can do a better job.
  • I realized again that human communication is important, not just audittechnology.
  • I think it will be very useful in both the position of conducting an internal audit and the position of receiving it.
  • You can study by yourself if you just read the items in order, but it was a great learning experience.Especially by practicing the last work, I was glad that I understis the problem by myself, and pointed it out.
  • I was able to explain the history of ISO in detail, and i was able to understand each explanation in an easy-to-understand manner.
  • It was good that we were able to simulate internal audits and realize what it really was.
  • As with audits, it also helps solve real-world problems.
  • By learning the essence of management standards, I had a feeling that I would be able to conduct meaningful audits from auditing as a work.
  • I feel that we can improve our products and industries with the same internal audit tool while we are dealing with different products and industries.
  • I would like to take on the challenge of risk analysis.
  • I want to spread internal audits that are not from the standard number.The first is that we understand how other departments work.
  • I would like to compare this with what I have received by looking at the internal audits of other departments in my company in the past.On top of that, I wanted to make it easier to understand in auditing.
  • I wanted to learn the work of each department in preparation for the internal audit.
  • I thought that the internal audit which I thought was scary before was necessary for MS after the training, and understanding that the internal audit was a mechanism to improve my business.
  • From 2008 to 2015, the environment (context) joined, and it seems to be able to conduct positive views and audits.