Hi, today is Wednesday, May 13th.
in today's word
First of all, the step is started at the foot of the mountain rather than worrying how the mountain is climbed seeing from a long distance.
(A word of an acquaintance)
It is a simple word so that unnecessary interpretation is not needed,
It might be a word which can be felt very much, and it is so.
From a distance, i'm looking at the mountain I want to climb
But i was wondering how to climb it,
- Various routes, equipment, and so on.
But it's hard to step on…
In such a case,
First of all, i'll go to the foot of the mountain.
Next, I'll try to climb a little bit.
- There's something i can tell you for the first time from that scene.
In other words, it may be important to think about the future, to envision, to plan, and to prepare, but it's funny to say that it's because we don't do anything right now.
It is also important to assume the future in order not to do so.
"This Now"
It seems to be a word that it is more important. It might be important for me to look back on such a thing at a glance what this "now" is.
deep-looking from a different perspective.
We human beings have the skills to pass knowledge on to future generations as knowledge.
The invention of "letters" may have made the trend even stronger, but knowledge may only become apparent when it is used.

The monkey seems to teach the child from parents by the action etc. of the technique etc. which take food for each group.
However, "I see the mountain from a distance and worry about how to climb it"
Such an act of the person might be an act which collects the data about the mountain, analyzes, and tries to judge how to climb it only by "knowledge".
It's as if you're looking into the mountain with a telescope and judging…
However, there seem to be a lot of things which do not understand if it does not go there.
For example, the ease of climbing the mountain (ease of climbing, inclination, undulation) and changes in climate and temperature, plants, landscapes that can only be seen from there…
And above all, how my body adapts and responds to such a mountain climb.
By learning things that we can only understand now and in the field, we may be able to review that knowledge and make it even more valuable .
Today, in various scenes of daily life and workplace, without criticizing and judging only by knowledge, first of all, let's take the reality of the "now", "site", take care of it, take a note of learning from it, and review each one of the things you notice, and try to try a little bit of the process of changing your knowledge into wisdom.